Saturday, 4 December 2021


 3 December 2025

यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत। अभ्युथानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्॥

मंगल 🇮🇳 on X: "बड़ी मुश्किल से मिला है सम्भाल कर रखे....भविष्य में हमारी पीढ़ियां को काम आएगा..." / X

Discussions on Hindutwa on AAJ TAK on 5 December 2021. Khursheed wrote one book on Rising of Sun on Ayodhya. Khursheed compared Hindutwa with ISS and Boko Haram. Why did Khursheed compare Hindutwa with ISS and Boko Haram? Some Muslims are feeling insecure after BJP came to power in India. Khursheed did not utter any word when Muslims kicked out minorities from Pakistan, Kashmir, and Bangla Desh. Congress used words like intolerance, Awards Returning ceremony, etc. India remained tolerant due to Hindu culture. It is due to Hindutwa minorities remained in India. Cut, commission, corruption, and communalism were the main points of Congress. Now Congress is afraid of losing identity and power (18:00). Who did lynching in India? 

 Salman Khurshid vs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi | UP Politics 2022

My Punjab Engineering College , Chandigarh of year 1965-1969
चंद कलियाँ निशात की चुनकर, मुददते मेहवेयास रहता हूँ /
तुमसे मिलना ख़ुशी की बात सही, तुमसे मिलकर उदास रहता हूँ //
याद करते नहीं जिस दिन तुझे हम,
अपनी नजरों से उतर जाते हैं //
(the day I do not remember you, I die in my own eyes)
वक़्त से पूछ रहा है कोई,
जखम क्या वाकई भर जाते हैं //
(Some one asks time, do you really heal wounds of love caused by separation) (18:27)
जिंदगी तेरे तआक़ुब (पीछा करना) में हम,
इतना चलते हैं की मर जाते हैं // (20:15) Tahir Faraz
Oh, my mother, I remember you always (34:00)
वक़्त का क्या है, चलता है चला जायेगा /
वक़्त को भी हुआ है ज़रूर किसी से इश्क़,
जो वो बेचैन है इतना कि ठहरता ही नहीं।"
(time is also in love with someone, for it does not stop.)
मंजिल का जनून मुझको रुकने नहीं देता
कहती है थकन मुझसे, रुक क्यों नहीं जाते //
(The will to achieve my aim does not allow me to halt,
But old age compels me to halt because of my body tiredness)
God was always kind to me due to the blessings of my elders.

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